The definition of True Friendship, according to The Free Dictionary, is as follows:
- The quality or condition of being friends
- A friendly relationship
- Friendliness; good will
According to Proverbs 18:24, “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Friendship doesn’t need an invite. They can show up at your door with a caring, loving attitude to help us through a situation/circumstance that is going on in our lives without them realizing there is a need. A true friend:
- Doesn’t unfriend you even if things get messy.
- Believes and wants the best for you.
- Accepts you for you.
- Doesn’t abandon you.
- Continues the friendship regardless of distance.
- True friendship is love.
Just recently my husband and I visited with friends that we knew for approximately 20 years but we had not seen each other for the past five years. Yet, when we stopped by unexpectedly while visiting in the area, it was as if we had never lost touch. We discovered that they had their house on the market and would be moving out of state just as soon as their house sold. We reconnected during our time with them and will keep in touch even when they move away.
So it is with God’s love. He sticks closer than a brother and will never abandon us no matter what. We are a child of the King. Let us walk in love and become true friends who show love towards others.
Ephesians 4:2 says, “Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient with each other and lovingly accept each other.” This is the basis of true friendship.
May the Lord bless you as you rekindle lost friendships and discover new friends along the way.