“You’re Made For A God-Sized Dream” by Holley Gerth (CL/PG Series)

Are you “looking for” more purpose and “listening for” God’s plan in your life? Are there God-sized dreams that are buried in your heart and you don’t know how to realize them?

In “You’re Made For A God-Sized Dream” (a follow-up book to “You’re Already Amazing”) by Holley Gerth, she walks you through a series of chapters to help you examine your deepest desires–the dreams you had for yourself but in living your day-to-day life, you have buried them and forgotten they existed.

In her e-book companion available on Barnes and Noble Nook and Amazon Kindle books, “The Do What You Can Plan”, Holley takes you further in realizing your God-sized dream(s) by guiding you in taking all the necessary steps to overcome and solve the obstacles that have been getting in your way. There are numerous personal stories and scriptures in both books to give you the courage to take the step of faith to “opening the door” to all that God has for you.

Although I found that these books were mainly written with “the women” in mind, I truly believe anyone can read them and realize his or her dreams by following Holley’s thoughtful suggestions.

Blessings on you and happy reading,

20 Writing Resource Books

Since the 1990’s, I have been journaling short stories and day-to-day events in my life. Not all of the stories in my life have been happy, but they have definitely taught me some valuable lessons. Over the past two years, I have sought out and read a variety of writing resource books to help me to ascertain how to “write from my heart” and to impart valuable insights and lessons that I have learned during the past 30+ years. I want to share the following books that I believe, as a writer, could be helpful to read in order for one to take the necessary steps to become a prolific writer.

1. The Book of Doing – Allison Arden
2. Query Letters That Rock – Linda Formichelli and Diana Burrell
3. The Power to Write – Caroline Joy Adams
4. Take Ten for Writers – Bonnie Neubauer
5. The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron
6. For the Write Reason – Mary Beth Whalen
7. Life Writing – Fred D. White, PhD
8. The Right to Write – Julia Cameron
9. Unless It Moves the Human Heart – Roger Rosenblatt
10. The Renegade Writer – Linda Formichelli and Diana Burrell
11. How to Publish Your Own E-book – Nik Rawlinson
12. The Vein of Gold – Julia Cameron
13. Walking In This World – Julia Cameron
14. Writing From Within – Bernard Selling
15. You Should Write A Book – Regina Brooks and Brenda Lane Richardson
16. How to Blog A Book – Nina Amir
17. Living Legacies – Duane Elgin and Colleen LeDrew
18. On Writing Well – Willian Zinsser
19. The Elements of Style – William Strunk and E.B. White
20. Thinking Like Your Editor – Susan Rabinor and Alfred Fortunato

The above list is not conclusive but just my suggestions to get you started if you are serious about becoming a writer. Check out your local library and/or book stores for a more exhaustive list.

May the Lord bless you as you seek His will in what He would have you write.

Blessings on you and happy reading,

20 Weight Loss Resource Books for the New Year

The other day while visiting Barnes and Noble, I couldn’t help but notice a “huge” display of diet books in the front of the store. As I glanced over all the books, an elderly gentleman stood next to me and commented that “his wife was on a diet” and pointed to the plan she had begun. He also stated that since she started the diet plan that she cooks all the time and does not have time for anything else. I noted the frustration in his voice so I asked if she had lost any weight with her plan and he just smiled and said “nope.” I smiled as I left the store but noticed that two more women had began browsing at the same display table.

With so many diet plans available, I decided to compile a list and share some of the books that I have “collected” over the years for my own resource library. Keep in mind that these books only skim the surface of what else is available at either your local book store or library, and that I am not advocating any one plan. The list is made available to help you in your research if you are looking for a weight-loss resource book(s).

1. The Fat Flush Diet – Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS
2. The Dash Diet Action Plan – Marla Heller, MS, RD
3. The New Atkins For A New You Diet – Collette Heimowitz
4. The Pound A Day Diet – Rocco Dispirito
5. The 90/10 Weight Loss Plan – Joy Bauer, MS, RD, CDN
6. The Shred Diet – Ian Smith, MD
7. The Super Shred Diet – Ian Smith,MD
8. The Daniel Plan – Rick Warren, Pastor
9. The Portion Control Diet – Linda Gassenheimer
10. The Full-Plate Diet – Seale Sherard Fleming
11. This, Not That No-Diet Diet – David Zinczenko
12. The Mediterranean Diet – Kimberly A. Tessmer, RD
13. The Lean Belly Prescription – Travis Stork, MD
14. Drop Five Pounds Diet – Heather K. Jones, RD
15. Now Eat This Diet – Rocco Dispirito
16. The Drop 10 Diet – Lucy Danziger
17. The Eating Well Diet – Dr. Jean Harvey-Berino, PhD, RD
18. The Good Carb Diet Plan – Helen Foster
19. The Fast Metabolism Diet – Haylie Pomroy
20. The 100 Diet – Jorge Cruise (author of the “Belly Fat Cure”)

There are 100’s of weight-loss books available; and if you have decided to “go on a diet” and get healthy in 2014, I’m sure you will find one that fits your lifestyle.

Happy reading,

Week 3: “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews (FI Series)

Have you ever dreamed of meeting famous people in history in order to gain their knowledge, words of wisdom, and insights? Would you be able to identify with their strengths in your present life or would you feel this would be an impossible task?

In “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews, he chronicles the life of one man’s success and failures at losing his job and his loss of purpose by taking him on a soul-searching journey, traveling through time, as he meets famous people in history. Each person he meets imparts on him their words of wisdom to live by. He is given seven decisions that determines personal success.

From President Truman to the Archangel Gabriel, he learns that the seven decisions consist of:

1. The buck stops here. I will accept responsibility for my past and for my success and my future. (President Truman)

2. Seek wisdom and be a servant to others. (King Solomon)

3. Be a person of action, inspiring others with your activities and be a leader. (Colonel Joshua Chamberlain)

4. Have a decided heart. Be passionate about your vision for the future. (Christopher Columbus)

5. Choose to be happy today. Be a possessor of a grateful heart. (Anne Frank)

6. Greet each day with a forgiving heart and forgive those who criticize you unjustly. (Abraham Lincoln)

7. Persist without exception and continue without exhaustion. (Archangel Gabriel)

In summary, the author states that “there comes a time in every person’s life when a decision is required and that decision will have a far-reaching effect on future generations–your actions can literally change the world.” Your actions, behavior–both good and bad–and your relationships can change the world for the better when you accept responsibility, seek wisdom, inspire others, choose to be happy, forgive one another, and persist without exception.

Happy reading,

“Becoming Myself” by Stasi Eldredge (CL/PG Series)

Do you ever feel like your life is completely out of control and you try to control your circumstances as well of those around you? Are you filled with feelings of abandonment, anxiety, sorrow, grief, rejection, etc.? Have you forgotten your dreams and most importantly, who you are in Christ?

In “Becoming Myself” by Stasi Eldredge, she covers how we are shaped by our childhood but not by our past. You can change your life by changing your negative thought processes and become the woman whom God created you to be: a woman of faith, a woman of worship, and becoming our “true name” through His unconditional love.

Stasi tells us how God desires to restore us by healing our inner lives through His love. She explains that the more of God you become, the more of yourself you become–you will finally see yourself as God sees you and realize His dreams for you.

An 8-week session and study guide is also available as a companion to “Becoming Myself” for a more in-depth study to help you embrace God’s dream for you.

A wonderful personal growth book to read in 2014.

Happy reading,